Christchurch Southern Motorway (stage two) and SH1 upgrade images

Posted on August 28, 2011 by


NZTA have put some interesting images up on their website of the proposed Christchurch Southern Motorway stage two junctions, overbridges and underpasses. Some of the more interesting ones:

Junction between CSM2 and four-laned SH1


Weedons interchange on four-laned SH1


Waterholes underpass on CSM2, looking towards Christchurch and Port Hills


Shands interchange on CSM2

You can see the rest here. I don’t generally have too many problems with these projects and this is really just a post for interests sake. It does make me roll my eyes a bit though when you consider they are spending almost $1 billion on the various Christchurch RoNS projects and no one bats an eyelid (except those in Prebbleton who claim it ruins their ‘rural’ lifestyle) yet all the critters come crawling out of every dark hole to have a rant about the ‘wasted’ money proposed to be spent on developing a world-class public transport system for Christchurch. We need a more balanced approach, but I am already worried more motorways are being lined up for beyond 2020 (and that really worked for Auckland). In the meantime though, enjoy the images!